Monday, October 23, 2017

Meet more students!

Hey guys, it's me again, your teacher. Guess what? I have an important announcement today, I have a new student coming over. She is my grandmother's summer friend's daughter's neighbor's alcoholic son's ex-wive's abusive uncle's half-brother's drunkard girlfriend's brother's niece's retarded vegetable sister's therapist's daughter's ugly friend's overweight uncle's brother's diabetic wive's criminal ex-husband's obese sister's neighbor's demented adopted kid's biological father's daughter. Her name is Muspelheim and she is an exchange student from Bolivia. I just recently took a tiny meak trip to Bolivia yesterday and picked her up in my helicopter from a terrible mugging in a bad part of town. She was so lucky I was there just in time to rescue her from her near death. What? You say you're jealous that I got to go to Bolivia but you couldn't? SHUT UP! Sorry, I mean shut up. I deserve these trips and you don't, I work for them. And it wasn't even that awesome, I only went there because she needed my help. In fact, while I was in my helicopter, those thugs shot a grenade at me and my copter almost went down with me in it. I could have DIED, and you don't seem to care. Instead of worrying about how you're ONLY teacher could have been killed, all you can talk about is how jealous you are of my vacations. Well anyways, forget this whole crapola problem, I introduce you. . . MUSPELHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIM! 

Well, there she is. Aren't you just glad to meet her? Oh, and somehow in all of this, she is Amlodipine's non-white brown Mestizo Bolivian extremely distant cousin. But Amlodipine is ashamed to admit that Muspelheim is related to her. Amlodipine's father is a criminal and he is in jail right now. Muspelheim's father sells illegal drugs--- DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS?????????!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S ALL SO PERSONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and guys, if you remember, Kristen and Amlodipine are not here anymore. They left to SHOW YOUR FOOT TO THE WORLD University, so don't ask about them I won't answer. It's classified information. No one knows what the hell is happening to them over there. Some new assistants that I brought here are going to teach us about their world. Just not right now, I gotta go eat right after this. A nice hearty breakfast to get me ready for class. And guess what their names are? I present you Katara, Aang, Sokka, and Princess Yue!
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This is Katara guys, she has brown hair, she just wanted to dye it blonde for today.
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This is Aang. Aang, why the hell are you upset? Is it because you're mad that Muspelheim is shorter and bustier and more non-white than you? UGH! GET ON WITH IT, PEOPLE!
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And last but not least, this is Sokka and Yue. Okay, well, you got to know them. Also, Yue tells me someone from their world tried to follow them to SHOW YOUR FOOT TO THE WORLD and they say he is very dangerous and came here for a certain somebody. I hope it's not me. But nah, I don't believe her. She's just trying to scare me because it's HALLOWEEN TIME! YAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of that, since it is Anniversary/Halloween month, we are going to have a dance and a special Halloween feast! Just like we do every year! Ooh, I hope they have candy pudding. Bye!

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