
 BeligerBites, this place is BeligerBites or you can call it BelgerBites, never mind, it is a place, a class, only for very highly educated students that spend most of their time studying. The reason I'm showing you this is because I've finally got two students in here. Amlodipine and Kristen, this isn't a place, a CLASS, for the average student, it pressures too much work on you so you can earn your college degree earlier, so don't even think about it of going here unless you really are considering it and willing to work as much as Amlodipine and Kristen did to get here, maybe even much more work to do in this place.
See,  look at all those  books, they are HARD, believe me, once, in my youth, I tried BeligerBites and guess what? I didn't get in, I wasn't that smart and clever to be in it, so, don't try to same thing as I did. 

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