Kili's Room

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Hey guys, this is Kili's room. He loves it because it is so comfy and warm and cozy and snuggly and cuddly. Don't mind me, I'd more than love to cuddle with Kil---- OH JESUS CRAPPED ON THE DEVIL SHIT SATIN'S POOP DUNG JEHOVAH! What is wrong with me? I shall NEVER wish that on a student ever again in my life, actually, you don't even know what I was thinking about. Actually, no. I'm so stupid, you probably do. Ugh, God. Whatever. Anyway, Kili is coming in now. Don't tell him ANYTHING about what I said towards him, I swear to God if you spill a word I'll smack the bejesus out of ya and force you down into the Detention. Which happens to be the Tickling Detention you jerk!
Image result for kili the hobbit gif Uuuuum, why would you want me to do that? Awww, poor Kili. Spent too much time with Orcs, thinks we're gonna raid him or something. It's okay, we do a thing here called getting rooms and enjoying them. What I suggest you can do right now is just lie down in the bed right there and rest, or maybe even fall asleep. Since you had such a harsh, hard, crazastic journey in that meteorite on your way here from Middle Earth. Call it my hospitality. I MEAN THE SCHOOL'S HOSPITALITY, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?! Sorry, heh! No harm done there, right? Right? Kili?
Image result for kili the hobbit gif Who are you talking about? Kili, you're turning pink. You're blushing! Is it because of me? I mean NO! Of course it's not. Why would I ever suggest that? It's not like I'm your teacher and you're my student but I still kinda have a thing for you but that is inaprope so I why would someone do that to a student? Don't know because that's definitely NOT what I am doing here, right now, in this moment, leaning over you like this. Kili, are you even here in the moment? What are you, dazed? What the heck are you thinking about? Oh wait a sec, are you thinking about Nancy? 
 Related image Oh my God, Kili! Are you crying? Oh my God, don't! I love you too much for you to----- BLAST MY STUPID CHEW HOLE! Kili, it's okay. I promise you, Nancy doesn't hate you. She's just a little creeped out by you that's all. Okay, I'm just making things worse here. I seriously have no idea how to comfort someone. Kili, KILI! LOOK AT ME!
  Related image Yes, that's it. Listen. Just listen. Don't think on it. Don't you think on it for one minute. Nancy does not despise you, what makes you think that? Actually well, aside from all that name-calling and screaming whenever you look at her and trying to shoot you and stuff. I'm so sorry, she never acts like that, she's just a little frightened of you.
     You see, you're not from here, are you? You are from Middle Earth, a strange fantasy world that we never thought was real until now. And you just like crashed out of the sky and no one knew who you were or what you were doing here, Nancy had every possible reason to be scared, not to mention I was a little too. But you have every reason to talk to her and like her and let her know the truth about your feelings. Fix what you started with her, restart your introduction with her.
    I promise it will work out. Now just go to bed and catch some Z's, it's good for you. I hope you understood my advice, Kili. You're not as terrible as you think people think you are. Okay, that was very complicated and I didn't even understand myself there.
Anyway, have some of my delicious doughnuts I bought from Krispy Kremes. I brought it just for you to cheer you up.
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EAT UP! And don't mind sharing, that's not a problem with me at all. . . . . . .

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I'm glad to see you're doing okay and dealing with the stress. You know what? I'm not even gonna bring that up, something tells me it'll be jinxed. Anyway, note to you all, that is not me there (whoever THAT is). That's just a huge doll I put in front of Kili for him to stare at and make fun of to feel better, it's moving because it's electronic. HAHA! Anyway, gotta get going. Bye, babe---- I MEAN KILI! JESUS! Toodles! :)

9/6/2017 1:45 PM

Okay, just walk in here, Nancy.

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This is awkwaaaaaaard. But anyway, Kili. Nancy is here, she wants to apologize. DOESN'T she?
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Okay, but sorry isn't enough. Kili is kinda expectin' something from you. A token of your gratitude he said
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Please Nancy, do this for him. He's been lying in this room, on his bed, under the covers for days. Days I say! And he even got a fever at some point. I think what's driving him crazy is the biggest, most contagious virus in the world. . . . . . .
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So Nancy?
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Oh my God, that is the sweetest thing ever! Nancy, give him his token
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YOU GO, NANCY! I KNEW YOU COULD DO THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm actually tearing 'sob, sob' I knew you guys could make it together with each other. I mean I'm crying for you guys and your cause, not because I'm secretly jealous that Kili never had a thing for me like I did for him and that we never actually ended up together and it was all in my mind-----BLAST SHIT! I'm sorry, forget I ever said a WORD of all that. Toodles!

1 comment:

  1. By the way you guys, if you try to go in here and sleep with Kili. I'll MURDER you! Okay, bye! :)
