Saturday, November 1, 2014

Can you sing?

Hey guys, today we are having singing class. Whoever sings the best gets to brag about it, but personally, I wouldn't, because bragging is a disgusting, obnoxious, thing to do. Who wants to go first?
Well that's nice, wait a minute, who are you looking at? Because you seem to be looking at someone, whoever it is, you must have a love affair with that person.
O-oh, so your l-looking at J-Jane, well that is a-awkward, but never mind that, who is next?

Well, well, well, look who's got talent, YOU TOM, AS ALWAYS!!!! No kidding, whoever wants to be next just raise your hand.

 Whoa, whoa, Hermione, flying class is already over, we're on to singing class. Emma? Do you want to go?
So you are singing about this story you made up called Jessie? That sounds very interesting, I bet--- OH NO, IT THE STRANGER AGAIN!!

Did he have to arrive here, DID HE?!

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