Monday, November 3, 2014

A new student has arrived!

Come over here guys, gather up in a little circle and hold hands. This will make a sign, and guess why, because a new student named Ermengarde Vandergelder is coming here, she is very excited! Here she comes, are you ready? S-she is here. One more thing, she stays still as a statue when she is nervous, remember that.
 Isn't she pretty? I'm so sorry Erm, but you can't possibly meet my students if you are as still as a statue, I mean---
No, no, no Loki. Don't start with this, you did enough to Jane and I don't want you to start with her, too.
I see you are very startled young woman, now you are finally moving. OMG! I mean, you changed your costume with magic.

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