Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Baking class

    Students, it is time for Baking class. I know we already had one, but what's the fun without second classes about the same thing? So anyway, we will be baking a certain snack that everybody in this classroom loves. The first one to go is going to be Jane.
Ahaha! You want to do this? Well anyway, we will be making Lotus Flowers and French Meringue cookies. Here is a mini recipe video of how to make Lotus Flowers for all of you to see. And then I will show you another mini recipe video of how to make French Meringue cookies. So let's get started! 

Interesting, right? Now take a look at this other one.

Mmmm, doesn't that just look delicious and appetizing? So are you ready, Jane? Go for it! Which one do you want to do first? 
You say you want to do Lotus Flowers first and Meringue cookies after? Alright, start. Maybe you would like to use my mixture that I already started beating, here you go. 
Beat it some more, you got it, Jane! There you go, on to the next step. Anyway, I want you to know that I already added the other ingredients in there, which includes the coconut milk, rice flour, and water. Mmm-hmmm, that is exactly how you do it. Anyway, the next step is to roll up two balls of tinfoil. Smack them against a solid platform to make the bottom flat. Then grab the wand with the shape of the lotus flower and put it in a pot. Next, pour canola oil into the pot. Add enough oil to cover the wand. Then pull the wand out of the pot while it is oily and dip it into the mixture you have created. The mixture should stick to the wand. Once you are done with that, move the wand back into the pot. This will cause the mixture stuck to the wand to drop into the pot a form a lotus flower shape. Make two shapes. After that, use tongs to pull them out of the pot and place them on the balls. Make others. Then keep on making more until you have enough to fill a plate. Once you are done, make a hybrid color to dip the cookies in. Maybe the color should be pink or purple or dark pink or green. You can decide. 
Oh, excuse me if I am not letting you finish your job.
Well I see you made three balls of tinfoil instead, but that is okay. Then there will be more than enough to eat.
What's so funny about what I said? GASP! The Lotus Flowers are ready, look at them!
So now it's time for the trying and judging part. My assistant, Annabeth Chase, will be the one trying them. 
What, Annabeth? You say they taste good? Well, Jane, you are a pretty successful student, I see. They must taste very good that they come to the limit for a very strict assistant to like them. I think I must have one myself.
Yummy, this tastes delicious! Now it is time to make the Meringue cookies.
Well somebody seems surprised. Come on, start. Remember, beat the eggs until they are foamy and poofy. Keep on beating until the eggs look like a creamy frosting.
Yeah, like that. That is good. Next step is to use a ziploc bag and a metal piece. Put those together to make a piping bag. Next, pour the creamy frosting into three different bowls. In each bowl, add one droplet of fruit coloring. One droplet of yellow fruit coloring, one droplet of blue fruit coloring, and one droplet of red fruit coloring. Mix these all together and, it will make a yellowish, peach-colored, blue mixture. After that, use a spoon to stuff the creamy frosting into the piping bag. Once you are done with this, grab a tray and squeeze the piping bag. Make swirls. You can put them as close as you like, but not too close, because then they will stick together. Next step is to put them in the oven. Wait for 1 hour and 45 minutes, and then take them out. Meringue cookies are meant to be a delicious treat, easily made, and extremely crunchy. They taste the best when they have just been made. Whoa, the Meringue cookies are done! Take them out of the oven. Let me see them.
Well I have to say, they look pretty good. Almost like in the video. Annabeth, try one.
Woohoo! You did a great job, Jane! Who else wants to---HOLY CRICKETS! LOOK AT THE TIME! Sorry guys, class canceled. You all have to go to bed. Good night.


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