Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chicans Class

 This is Chicans Class again, everybody, gather up, in your seats, get out your notebooks, get out your pencils, we're going to learn about it and everybody is going to have to have to make an essay about it, okay, okay?
Okay, everybody says yes, now, who wants to go first?
You Erm, okay, show us your essay. 
Okay, you start writing while I talk to the others, so you see students, chicans is a highly developed, I mean, what I meant was, chicans is just practically the same language as english but backwards, it was founded way before america was even made, but it was hidden for billions of years, so scientists never found out about it until now. 
I know right, that is just so interesting, just the way, just the way. . . . .okay, back to the class and what I was saying. One thing chicans is most famous for is it's culture, it's beautiful, they wear beautiful things, they dance, sing, they have castles, fortresses, animals, land, water, memorials, they have a god named Eddess, and which by the way, we'll be talking and learning about him while I show you a popular food that chicans eat in chicaboom land. Here it is.... .
Its called Estuv'aditch, doesn't it look delicious? You pronounce it, (EH-STOO-VAH-DITCH). Got it
No, no, no Ron, your not eating it, we're just taking one sample, and that's going to beeeee, hmmm, aha, Clara.
Where is she? Never mind, now, how about we talk a bit about Eddess. So you see, the memorials are where Eddess is represented, all the chicans have to bow and they can't look how Eddess comes down or they'll be shot out of the memorial instantly. That's just the way it goes, and plus, Eddess is believed to bless the royal family's baby with two resources called Sacred Leaf and Sacred Water, also, Eddess can only speak to one certain kind of person, Whoppelier, he's the governor of Chicans, and only he is whom should talk to Eddess or speak in peace. Eddess is also believed to have a family of two, actually three, counting himself. His wife, Maria, who is a goddess, Cynthia their child, and they Eddess has a cousin with his family. That cousin's name is Tetuma, and he's a god too, he has a wife named Tetuna and a child named Tetita. Well, that's most of the facts going on here. So, how's the essay going Erm? 
Oh I love that smile, let me see it. 
Very, very, very, very good. I haven't seen a masterpiece like this in ages, you did a good job Erm. You get an A+, now, shouldn't I be saying, class over. . . . .

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