Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A new student!

Guys, guys, gather up, a new student is coming! Her name is Ginny (short for Ginevra) Weasley, and she is Harry's girlfriend.
Hermione, what's wrong? Why are you crying? I thought you had a crush on Thor, but with Harry, I never knew.
Harry, you knew about this? Well then, don't you just walk away like that, tell me why you knew and never told! KNOCK! KNOCK! Oh, Ginny is here. Come on everyone, stand up straight, handsome and tall and get ready at the door to greet her, okay? Ahoy, alas, come on!
Hello there, I can see that you are shy and speechless because you haven't seen Harry in a long time. So, go on! Give him a kiss for a greeting.
Well, did everybody enjoy seeing that? I bet--- Hermione? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, SHE'S RUNNING AWAY!!! Students, go around the school and search for her, she needs to be back.


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