Saturday, January 3, 2015


Recess over, next class! Now, like always, we're going to start off with the questions. The first question is: is +=+=+=+=)*\| equivalent?
Kristen, how'd you get here?
Anyway, you're right! +=+=+=+)*\| is NOT equivalent. The second question is: are Moleskans half siren or fully siren?
BRAVO! BRAVO I SAY! It's amazing that you know everything, just everything, I'm even starting to think that you've gone way past the line, you just study too much! If you keep studying, then you'll get carried away by an ocean of studies! Now, the next part of the class is explaining, I'll give each of you a paper to write an essay, and whoever raises their hand first will stand up in front of the whole class and read their essay aloud.
That's your's, Kristen, isn't it? Well, I like it a lot, it's about Gargouilles, my favorite type of dragon. Let me see, it says: Gargouilles are dragons that come from France, you usually can't see them, because they camouflage among castles and cathedrals. They eat bats, cats, and rats. If they don't have anything else to eat, it's most likely that they'll eat a human, but don't worry, there is always plenty for them to eat, so they'll never be able to eat you. Also, Gargouilles can have fights with other types of dragons, like the Marsupial, the Lindworm, the Knucker, and many others. These fights are tragic and violent, and they might damage the human mind mentally, so don't roam around when a Gargouille is having a fight. Wow, Kristen, excellent! I really liked it, who in this class like it, too?
You like it, Wolverine? That's very generous of you, I like the way you like things that Kristen does, it helps her a lot. Now, the third part of the class is speaking, you have to write eight whole sentences in a different language. 
Hmm, let me see what is says here. Yes, mm-hmm, right, so right, good job, Kristen, you get an A+!
Class over, recess, recess!

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