Hey-ho, merry-o! Hey my friends, I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!! CAN'T YOU BELIEVE IT?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! So sorry that my trip went on for much longer than expected. It's just, I was going on my Official Christmas Vacation, and then when New Year's Eve came in I spent it in Alaska, and then I extended my trip to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And also, I hid all my photos because I don't want you snooping through them and seeing how TOTALLY AMAZING my vacation was because you don't deserve it you ass! So, that is the whole deal-o. So how are things going back here? Is that stupid deranged Adrien under control? Oh no. Please tell me you were taking care of this place while I was gone! You were, right? YOU WERE, RIGHT?! Sorry, so sorry. It's just that crazy things happen in this school when a teacher is not here to put it all under control. So see? My job is EXTREMELY hard to do. I deserve all that food I get. Speaking of that, may I please have my "Welcome Back" triple-fudge brownie shake? NOW! Thank you.

Ugh, I didn't fancy seeing YOU again. I hate greeting my waiters. Gimme my shake and get the hell out of here you pestoso! Mmmm, would you look at this?

Well guys, I have a busy schedule. Gotta start! Bye!